Big Cyber v Small Business Pt. 1: The Injustice of Big Cyber Cost
There is an injustice that Big Cyber is committing against small business in America. They charge Ferrari prices for Chevy products. Big Cyber forces Small business owners concerned about cybersecurity, like you, into only two choices:
- Pay Big Cyber’s exorbitant prices to use elaborate tools that require expertise to operate or
- Hope that you never need the essential services they provide in the face of ever increasing cyber threats
As a small business owner and a cybersecurity expert, I can tell you that neither of these options fit most business models. All too often the cost of quality cyber service is prohibitively high and out of reach for companies light on resources. Their obscenely profitable fee structures belie mission statements touting language like “our commitment to securing your business provides confidence” or “we preserve profitability by preventing attacks” and so on. How committed are they really?
Big Cyber models mark their products and services to the highest price point the market is willing to pay. That might make sense if your profitability model is satisfied with an exclusive set of customers, but it has a chilling effect on the backbone of America’s economy. Here’s why…
Cyber attackers are constantly engineering new ways to break through security solutions, software updates, and sophisticated network architecture. Reverse engineering is conducted against the latest and greatest products all the while increasing their effectiveness against lesser products, the kind many small businesses can afford. Hackers are working 24/7 to break the Big Cyber’s cutting edge technology to exploit for their purposes and their skills are increasing by the day. As hacking capabilities increase against Big Cyber, small businesses are left to suffer in their vulnerabilities.
It’s time to think differently about small business cybersecurity.