Small Health Care Practices
Patients trust their health care providers with HIPAA protected information
You’re a provider with an office or two, participating in the robust and competitive Delaware health care industry. You’ve chosen a worthwhile profession caring people who trust you with their health and their information. It’s likely you do your best to comply with HIPAA requirements, and as most providers in our state, you probably exceed the government and your patients’ expectations.
You and your colleagues understand the business and science of health care, but you never expected to be responsible for cyber security in your network and systems. Threats can come from inside your organization either purposefully, or inadvertently, as well as from external threats like hackers. Outsourcing your cyber security is the choice for health care practices so you can focus on getting your patients well without the worry of the consequences of a data breach.
The first procedure you’ll want to order is Staff Training to ensure you’ve shored up the most likely avenue an attacker will attempt. Staff are responsible for more than 60% of business cyber breaches. We Know Cyber offers affordable on-site training covering such topics as; password management, social media security, safe transmission of data, phishing protection, and more.
Next consider ordering a HIPAA Risk Assessment of your systems including a penetration test of your network, staff, systems, and business WiFi and guest WiFi. The results of this procedure will ensure the health of your cyber security defenses which will give you a provable sense of well being, knowing you’re protected against attackers from within and without. Additionally, your patients will enjoy the piece of mind that you’ve taken meaningful steps to safeguard their health and payment information. That gives you a competitive advantage ensuring profitability for years to come.
Call us to schedule a free consult 302-451-9555 or visit our website for more information You know your practice. We know cyber!